Welcome to the web page of the MEMS&3D Polimi inter-departmental laboratory!


Overview of the MEMS&3D laboratory


MEMS&3D was founded in 2014. Its main focus is on MEMS and their applications and on new trends in micro-fabrication and additive manufacturing. Research Groups of four Departments of Politecnico di Milano are involved in MEMS&3D Lab.


  • MEMS Modelling and Design Group

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering



  • Sensors and Detectors PoliMI laboratory

Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering



  • E-Surfin Lab. Electrochemical and surface finishing lab

 Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering


  • +LAB 3D Printing Lab

Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering



  • Mechanical Measurements: metrology, monitoring and diagnostics

Department of Mechanical Engineering
